Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I hope the east coast 3 o'clock candy contributors had a good random Tuesday drinkfest. I SO wish I could have been there.

It's been a few days since my last entry, I guess this Christms elf stint kinda cramps my style. Unable to spend entire days surfing the internet to bring my friends the cream of the crop in entertainment news / pop culture fads / celebrity gossip or the low down on the guyliner debate, I feel so out of the loop. I did spend a few minutes this morning browsing Pink Is the New Blog, just to make sure nothing major went down in Brit Brit's camp while I was fluffing pillows. Oh, speaking of PITNB - I'm a dork and added the author Trent to my friends on MySpace. I owe him props for breaking the Witherppe story wide open.

Thank you TMFD for appealing to Kirsty Ally, but she was replaced by that Queer Eye Guy for a while and now the company is too broke to pay any B grade celeb to promote their wicker. Kirsty is now the spokeswoman for Jenny Craig.

Well in case your wondering what my Christmas plans are I'll give you a short run down.
Thursday is Rhett's birthday. I've invited some friends over for ice cream cake. Yum!

Friday - work

Saturday - work until 7:30 p.m. then driving to STL

Sunday - family

Monday - family

Tuesday - During the day I will see my friend from Canada.

This is going to be a bit weird due to our deteriorating friendship. I haven't given you all the low down, but here it is. You all remember the last time I saw her in STL? Mr. & Mrs. Belding also came up and the 6 of us had plans...then Canada used her child as an excuse for why they couldn't do like ANYTHING with the rest of us. Then Canada got pissy that she wasn't going to see Mr. & Mrs. Belding (as if I was deliberately keeping them to myself) so we had to pacify her and cancel our plans. Instead, we spent an entire afternoon where they were staying.

We have spoken only a few times since then. She recently has been diagnosed with post partum depression, but refuses medical help while trying to go the "Hannah" holistic route with vitamins. During our last conversation she apologized for not calling me after our initial Sophie conversation. I told her honestly that it was fine. I didn't need that. What I meant, but probably was so passive about that I didn't make myself clear was that I didn't need her. I told her that I felt supported and I still feel supported, just not by her. But strangely, that doesn't really bother me. It's like I'm kinda ready to just take a break from her for a while.

Tuesday night - Going out with TMK. You'll remember, she is my friend from highschool who just reconnected with me. I'm so excited to get together with her and meet her girlfriend. We're going to a great restaurant that Rhett & I always meant to try but never got around to.

Wednesday night - Trans Siberian Orchestra (I'm not kidding! It's for the 'rents)

Thursday - return home

That's my week. I'm sure when I return from STL I'll have LOTS to share.


Blogger popodopalous said...

Don't feel guilty about the end of a relationship or even a break. There are only so many slots available and you don't need half-assed friends taking up the rungs of the ladder under me!

3:21 PM  

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