Today would be my dad's 53rd birthday. My Dad had a poet's soul, sharp intellect and a knack for one liners. I have missed my Dad everyday for the last 8 1/2 years. He taught me to appreciate jazz. His favorite jazz singer was Nancy Wilson, not the lead singer of Heart who married Cameron Crowe. My favorite is Nina Simone. I remember sitting around on Friday nights with the high pitched stacato of Miles Davis pouring out of the record player. Yes, I said record player for vinyl was to be revered. Those records are now in my possession. They are just about the most evokative reminder of Dad that I own.
My music snobbery can be traced back to Dad, though he never condescended to my heart-felt passion for The New Kids On The Block. I still remember the embarrassment I harbored once I out grew boy bands. I always wanted my Dad's respect and NKOTB had not been worthy of it.
I miss his stories, which were always animated and funny. He used to repeat jokes he heard on his morning commute and pass them off as his own. I thought he was the funniest man alive until I caught on to his source.
A fitting tribute to my Dad would be a list of all songs that evoke his image in my mind. Some are songs he liked, some are just songs that remind me of him.
1 . I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
I had a radio plugged into the bathroom, so that when the light switch was flipped the radio also came on. As you may remember, that song was THE biggest song of that year (early 90's) He joked that everytime he peed, that song was playing on my radio. It got to be like Pavlov's dog. He couldn't hear that song without a sudden urge to urinate.
2. It Was a Good Day by Ice Cube
My Dad's favorite gangsta rap of all time.
3. 'Round Midnight as played by Miles Davis
4. Winter by Tori Amos
Just a song about fathers and daughters
5. A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash
Well, everything by Johnny Cash reminds me of my Dad.
6. Hurt as performed by Johnny Cash
I think my Dad would have loved this song.
7. Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
My dad hated Bruce but loved the E Street Band, especially the sax player.
8. A Few Small Repairs album by Shawn Colvin
I simply cannot listen to this anymore. It was playing when I found out my Dad had passed.
9. Here Comes the Sun by Nina Simone
Brought the house down when played at my Dad's funeral. I remember being greeted by my Dad's roofer buddies with names like "Killer Rick" & "Fast Eddie." They were sheepish at the funeral home wearing their fomal black jeans and boots, preferring instead to gather in the parking lot to have a beer in my Dad's honor. One guy in particular was sweet upon meeting me. He told me that my Dad was so proud of me and talked about me often to his buddies. I didn't know that.
10. Who'll Stop The Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival
I distinctly remember him teaching me to sing this song as a very small kid.
Thanks for indulging me today.
I have tears in my eyes!
Awwww. what a wonderful list. and may i say that it is now a goal in my life to meet people named "Killer Rick" and "Fast Eddie".
Perhaps Mr. Belding's Baby Momma could assume the name "Killer Eddie" and then - hey - two birds with one stone!
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