Ok guys I slept in today so I'm really hoping that you haven't already heard because I really wanted to tell you myself. You might have already seen it on the news or had someone tell you but I hope not because I don't want you to think "oh my god... what didn't she tell me herself? Am I not special? Does she not like me?" and of course that's not true and while we on the subject there's really no reason to be so self conscious. But if you felt that way i'm sorry. Now, Scarlett, it may take a day or two to reach you so I'm not so worried there, although Rhett does have alot of contacts in the area and I'm sure this spread like wildfire. But... you should hear about it from me first. I rocked the shit out of the sudoku in the express yesterday. Yeah, it was friday- the "hard" one and I totally did it in like 30 minutes. Please were obviously staring at my mad skillz on the metro and I think I saw a couple of them taking video and texting their friends which is why I really wanted you to hear about my awesomeness from me and no one else. Because I really don't play sudoku much any more since the great express sudoku tournament when all of you trained me and then i started seeing numbers in my sleep and had to stop before i went completely insane so that makes my victory all the more sweet. And I'm sure soon the story of the glory of the second half of my metro ride home yesterday will be sweeping the nation shortly and we all know that Katie Couric will want an interview to try and boost her ratings and that it'll just be my face everywhere but you guys should be the first to know. Cool.
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